Thursday, November 26, 2009

Headlice and Haircut??

Before I even start my question I want to say plese look at the question and put treatment aside (Don't say just treat your head...)!!

Ok here is my question, Me and my sister have had headlice for the last month and a 1/2 we have tryed lots of treatments but they are still not all they way gone!! We nit comb our hair every night and now we are only fining like 1 or 2 bugs and some little tiny pepper like bugs!! When would a stylist cut our hair?? If they are all the way gone?? Can we get our hair cut with just the peper like bugs?? I am just wondering BTW!! We don't have any nits!!

Headlice and Haircut??

any reputable stylist will not cut your hair...the fear of an epidemic is the reason....keep doing your treatments until they are gone before going to a stylist...good luck

Headlice and Haircut??

Don't get it cut just keep trying but if it gets worst

kut me i know things!!!!!!!

Headlice and Haircut??

They probably need to be all the gone to go to a hair stylist. You cant just treat your hair, you need to clean everything you come in contact with. All of your clothes, your bedding, everything. That is the only way to get rid of them for good.

Headlice and Haircut??

soak your skalp in oil then put a shower cap and a bandana over top to keep the oil in over night, do this every 4days for 3 weeks

this is what i did when i had head lice and trust me it works

hope i helped

Headlice and Haircut??

Like others said who answered your question, You should at least try to get these stuff out of your hair before heading to the salon. It's worth it!

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